7 Steps to Get a TradeMark


Learn how to get a trademark for a valuable product and establish a special presence in the global marketplace. A trademark used in business comes in several forms including a symbol, a word or a name. A trademark on a product attracts customers and is usually treasured by the company that created and uses it.


1. Create a word, a symbol or name that will attract customers to a product

This trademark should be unique and intriguing so the product it identifies will have a special place in the global marketplace and in the minds of customers.

  • Employ a creative person or team to find the perfect trademark for the company product. An attractive trademark will attract customers and last through generations of customers. The trademark task force should learn how to get a trademark and invent the best possible trademark for sales success. They should have a keen knowledge of the trademarks that have attracted the most customers in past years


2. Consider hiring an attorney to guide you and your task force through the process of obtaining a trademark

Although a trademark application can be filed by the owner of the product, an attorney will facilitate the process and guard against any problems with the paperwork.


3. Conduct a search to find any official registration of your trademark by another group or individual using the official website of United States Patent and Trademark Office

This service is free of charge.


4. Prepare a professional drawing of the trademark

This drawing should be an accurate picture of the official trademark that will be used on every product produced and distributed.


5. Register the trademark through the system established by the country where the trademark is created

The rules and regulations will vary from one country to another. In the United States, register the trademark using the process established by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

  • Use the online application process for convenience. Double check all information before submitting the application. Check the status of the application periodically to determine that the application is on the right track
  • Request the necessary and appropriate forms to file through the postal service if you do not want to use the Internet. Call the Trademark Assistance Office for information and the necessary forms for a postal service application
  • File the application for the trademark in the name of the owner of the product and pay the required fee for the service. A trademark can only be issued to the owner of a product. This requirement is especially important as another person with information on the product could file an application for the product of another owner


6. Use the trademark designation “TM” when writing about your product in advertisements, press releases and other publications

This designation identifies the product as unique and may be used before the registration is official.


7. Practice patience until the registration is official

The official registration process takes time and depends on various factors so each registration is unique.

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